

Dr. 大卫·斯达克Dr. 斯达克 joined the Department of Biology at the University of the Incarnate Word in the fall of 2014. Prior to beginning his position at 校本, Dr. 斯达克 worked as a Research Scientist for the USDA. He is originally from Hurst, 德州.


  • Office Location: Bonilla Science Hall, Room 106
  • 电话:(210)841-7249
  • 电子邮件: dstarkey@uiwtx.edu
  • B.S. Biology, Illinois State University, Normal, Ill.
  • M.S. Biology, University of Illinois, Champaign, Ill.
  • Ph.D. Genetics, Phylogeography of Two New World Turtle Genera, Trachemys and Kinosternon, 德州 A&M University, College Station, 德州

Assistant Professor (Tenure-Track), University of the Incarnate Word, 圣安东尼奥, 德克萨斯州(2014年至今)

  • Biology 1403L Introductory Biology II Laboratory
  • 生物学3361遗传学
  • 生物学3399人类遗传学
  • 生物学3442生态学
  • Biology 4344 Evolution and Systematics
  • Biology 6399 Population Genetics

The goal of my research is to understand how changes in biogeography can influence, 或改变, 基因流引导, 最终, 对物种形成. In order to understand the correlation between these processes, 我的实验室采用实地考察, molecular and analytical techniques, and patterns of distribution to infer how and/or when speciation events may have occurred. My lab will soon be investigating, in conjunction with Dr. Andy Gluesenkamp, the 圣安东尼奥 Zoo 和Drs. Rick Shine 和Drew Davis at the University of 德州 Rio Grande Valley, the patterns of distribution in the softshell turtle, Apalone mutica. Our goal with this project is to determine if the present-day patterns of distribution in this turtle reflect historical patterns i.e., does the present-day distribution of this species still suggest a single species or do multiple species exist. My lab is also investigating the patterns of distribution in Trachemys scripta, 红耳朵滑块, to determine if urban areas in 圣安东尼奥 are serving as refugia for this species which, 潜在的, could be leading to allopatric speciation. My lab has also begun a project, in conjunction with the 圣安东尼奥 Zoo, to investigate life history characteristics in several threatened or endangered species including the Psychedelic rock gecko (Cnemaspis psychedelica) and Henkels leaf tailed gecko (Uroplatus henkeli). The goal of these projects is to gain a base line understanding of the growth rates of these geckos and determine the size at which reproduction begins.

Another major area of focus in my research lab is codon bias. 在这项正在进行的研究中, my students and I are investigating the patterns of codon usage in two mitochondrial genes in order to determine if patterns of usage are consistent across turtle families. Our preliminary results suggest that there are differences between families which we are using to reconstruct phylogenies for these families in order to determine if they support the most widely accepted hypotheses. 整体, the research in my laboratory is focused on questions related 对物种形成 and phylogeography. The lab is currently focusing on reptiles to address these questions. 然而, past projects have utilized a wide variety of taxa including bacteria, fish and invertebrates to address phylogeographic questions. 因此, if you have an interest in genetics and speciation, contact the lab and we can discuss how you can become involved in one of our ongoing projects or we can discuss your interests and design a project specifically for you.

  • Trevino K.N. 和D.E斯达克. 2019. Stratification in Topsoil: A Preliminary Analysis of Bacterial Diversity at Two Sites in 圣安东尼奥, 德州. 德州科学杂志,doi.org/10.32011 / txjsci_71_1_Article3.
  • 这些B.D., R.D. 诺伊斯,D.E. 斯塔奇和D.B. 谢泼德. 2016. Pleistocene Climatic Fluctuations Explain the Disjunct Distribution and Complex Phylogeographic Structure of the Southern Red-back Salamander, Plethodon锯肌. 进化生态学,89-104.
  • 一天,我.L., D.E. 斯塔奇和J. Gerken. 2014. Prevalence of Parasitism in the Grotto Sculpin (Cottus specus), a New Species of Cave-adapted Fish from Southeastern Missouri, 美国. 地下生物学,12:3-14.
  • 一天,我.L., D.E. 斯达克,G. 亚当斯,年代. Brummett和D. 基尼. 2014. Population Genetics of Grotto Sculpin (Cottus specus), a New Cave-adapted Fish Species. Environmental Biology of Fishes, 97:1305-1315.
  • 亚当斯,克.L., B.M. 毛刺,J.L. D选项。.E. 斯达克. 2013. Cottus specus, a New Troglomorphic Species of Sculpin (Cottidae) from Southeastern Missouri. 据研究,5:484 - 494.
  • 土地,米., A. 周报,穆W.R. 米勒,维.E. 斯塔奇和J.D. 米勒. 2012. Tardigrades of the University of Central Arkansas Campus. Southeastern Naturalist, 11:469-476.