
同行的顾问s for Veterans Education (PAVE) is a peer support program that connects incoming student veterans on college campuses with student veterans who are trained as 同行的顾问s who can help students navigate college life, 解决他们可能面临的挑战, refer them to appropriate resources on and off campus and provide ongoing college support.

UIW was selected as one of 18 schools in the nation to join the PAVE program in Fall 2020.


菲利普·兰格尔的大头照菲利普J. 兰格


Phillip is a retired Air Force veteran. He is currently a student at the University of Incarnate Word in the Ph.D. program studying Organizational Leadership and Adult Education. He's a two-time graduate of UIW having earned a B.A. in Criminal Justice/minor Sociology in 2017 and M.S. Organizational Development and Leadership in 2018. During his last 10 years in the USAF, he was assigned to the North American Aerospace Defense Command and U.S. Northern Command Inspector General (NORAD/USNORTHCOM). Phillip is the UIW 美国学生退伍军人协会 (SVA) Chapter President and a past member of UIW 校友 Association Board.

Christina Rios PAVE照片伊丽莎白·里奥斯


伊丽莎白·里奥斯 was born and raised in Illinois. 高中毕业后, she attended community college in Missouri, earning an Associate Degree in Health Administration. Following college, she entered the Army in 2004 and served for nine years. Elizabeth has attended three other colleges before settling here at UIW, where she is seeking a BFA in Interior Design, with a concentration in Sustainability Studies. Elizabeth is a member of 美国学生退伍军人协会 (SVA) and also serves as a peer advisor on the PAVE Team. Elizabeth is passionate about mental health and education and is looking forward to her time here at UIW.

Young woman student smiling at camera



肖恩Conrey was born and raised in St. 佛罗里达州圣彼得堡. 高中毕业后, 他在美国应征入伍.S. Army in 2012 and is still currently serving. Sean is an Air Defense Soldier who really enjoys what he does and is currently stationed in Fort Knox, 肯塔基州. He is a student attending UIW with a major in Human Resources with a concentration in Business Administration/Management. He is very passionate about helping others and is honored to be a 同行的顾问 for the UIW PAVE Team. 


Young woman student smiling at camera



伊莎贝拉集中政策 is the child of a 海军陆战队 veteran. She was raised in the Rio Grande Valley and graduated high school in 2022. Isabella is attending UIW to major in Healthcare Sciences with a concentration in Physical Therapy and a minor in Psychology. She is excited to work with her classmates to maintain a safe and productive learning environment. 



Young male student smiling at camera



Young male student smiling at camera



猎人Tuepker was born and raised in Arizona. 2019年,他加入了美国陆军.S. Army Reserves and is still serving. While serving, he earned his Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice from NAU. Hunter is currently pursuing his master's in criminal justice administration at UIW. He is passionate about helping others and is looking forward to being a 同行的顾问 at UIW.


Young female student smiling at camera



萨凡纳齐格勒 was born in Minneapolis, Minnesota. She enlisted in the Air Force in 2014 and served for eight years. 现在是军人配偶, Savannah currently works for the Department of Defense as an Acquisition Program Manager. 她正在追求她的B.A. degree in Human Resources here at UIW. Savannah has a passion for supporting veterans and their families. She is hopeful to make a lasting impact through her dedication to as a 同行的顾问 in the UIW 为项目.