Course Descriptions

Bachelor of 艺术s in 艺术

For a full list of all courses offered by the Department of 艺术, visit the course catalogue.

学生 will learn basic drawing techniques through depicting a variety of subjects in various media. Meets five studio hours a week. 费.

学生 will examine elements of 2-D design, including the elements of art and the principles of organization, and the practice in their use. Meets five studio hours a week. 费.

In this course students will examine elements of 2D design, including the elements of art and the principles of organization, and practice in their use as applicable to photography. Five and one-half studio hours a week.

Digital Photography is a process for creating images using the controlled reaction of light and a photo-electric microchip followed by computer manipulation. this is a studio art/graphic production course providing the student an opportunity to explore the contemporary uses of digital photography in artistic, commercial, and photojournalism applications. Five and one-half studio hours a week.

Continuation of ARTS 1301. Meets five studio hours a week.
Prerequisite: ARTS 1301

In this course, students will examine elements of 3-D design, including the ideas, materials and techniques related to sculpture, and the practice in their use. Meets five studio hours a week.
Prerequisite: ARTS 1311

This studio course investigates the potential of painting media for descriptive and expressive possibilities. Emphasis is placed on the development of fundamental techniques, color theory, composition and the promotion of critical thinking skills. Meets five studio hours a week.

学生 apply design in the ceramic medium and learn basic ceramic skills such as hand building, 玻璃, and the rudiments of wheel throwing. Meets five studio hours a week.

学生 learn to apply monotype, relief and related printing techniques. Meets five studio hours a week.
Prerequisite: ARTS 1301 and ARTS 1311

学生 learn basic sculptural techniques, concepts and materials such as model making, plaster casting, carving and wax casting. 学生 are introduced to the rudiments of welding. Meets five studio hours a week.
Prerequisite: ARTS 2311

学生 create a portfolio in a single discipline. 学生 work individually with the instructor to identify their discipline concentration and determine the number of works to be made. Class time consists of individual and group critiques of work being made.
Prerequisite: Senior standing as an 艺术 major or minor.

学生 will create a portfolio in a single discipline. 学生 will work individually with the instructor to identify their discipline concentration and determine the number of works to be made. Class time consists of individual critiques of the work being made.
Prerequisite: ARTS 4320 and senior standing as an 艺术 major or minor.